Otherwise, the cursor is over the nonclient area. If LOWORD(lParam) equals HTCLIENT, it means the cursor is over the client area of the window. This code first checks the lower 16 bits of lParam. The following code shows how to handle WM_SETCURSOR. If you change the cursor, the cursor image resets on the next mouse move, unless you intercept the WM_SETCURSOR message and set the cursor again. The following example shows how to set the cursor to the predefined system link select cursor.

The LoadCursor function can load either a custom cursor from a resource, or one of the system cursors. If there is no class cursor, set the cursor to the arrow cursor.Otherwise, if the window has a class cursor, set the cursor to the class cursor.If the window has a parent, forward the WM_SETCURSOR message to the parent to handle.Otherwise, if the application passes WM_SETCURSOR to DefWindowProc, the DefWindowProc function uses the following algorithm to set the cursor image: Calls SetCursor and passes in the cursor handle.This function returns a handle to the cursor. Calls LoadCursor to load the cursor into memory.To set the cursor, a program does the following: The application does nothing and passes WM_SETCURSOR to DefWindowProc.The application sets the cursor and the window procedure returns TRUE.At this point, one of the following events occurs: When the mouse moves over a window, the window receives a WM_SETCURSOR message (unless another window has captured the mouse). Otherwise, the default cursor is the arrow. You can associate a cursor with a window class by setting the hCursor member of the WNDCLASS or WNDCLASSEX structure. For more advanced tasks, such as creating custom cursors, see Cursors. This section describes how to use the system cursors. These include the arrow, the hand, the I-beam, the hourglass (which is now a spinning circle), and others. Windows provides a set of standard cursor images, called system cursors. Although it is not required, it adds a nice bit of polish to your application. Many applications change the cursor image to give feedback to the user. The cursor is the small image that shows the location of the mouse or other pointing device.